Monday, June 28, 2010

I Love This Blog

And I don't update it nearly enough.

I transferred to the Napa Rose restaurant on April 11th, started sommelier classes in the beginning of May, picked up a second job at BevMo on June 7th, and am well on my way to becoming a professional alcoholic.

Ryland, Saucy, Joy and Matt at Napa Rose are a great help in discovering all sorts of boozy things that I had, until this point, remained completely oblivious to; while Rafael, Geoff and Jon (even though he's an ass about it) are providing some excellent perspective on the BevMo side of it all.
Pinot Noir
There's a lot of great support around me, and I need to really set aside time to delve into my reading -- I picked up a great book, Karen MacNeil's "The Wine Bible," which seems to be just what I needed in terms of helping me better organize all this new information in my head.

I'll be taking the Level I Sommelier Exam in the third week of November, and I am already nervous. If I test well enough to receive one of the top thirty scores, I'll be sitting for the Level II Certification the next day...